Ketchikan Fishing Regulations
Halibut Fishing in Ketchikan offers world class fishing opportunities for this bucket list species. Known widely for its massive size, amazing strength and mouth watering taste makes Halibut one of the most sought after species in these nutrient rich waters. Halibut fishing in May is referred to as early season with the best Halibut fishing occurring June through September. The summer months from May through September offer an opportunity for Halibut to feed on massive schools of herring, salmon, and cod along with squid, crabs and shrimp. Book your Ketchikan Halibut Fishing Charter or the Ketchikan all species combination Charter to experience the best halibut fishing in Ketchikan.
Charter fishing for Halibut in Ketchikan runs May through September.
Charter vessel angels may catch and retain one halibut per day, no annual limit Retained halibut must be less than or equal to 50 inches or greater than or equal to 72 inches in length.

Salmon fishing charters in Ketchikan range in species depending on the time of year. King salmon are the first Alaska salmon species to return to their home waters to spawn and feed. King Salmon return from early spring through early summer.
Regulations by the state of Alaska have been put in place to open the catch and retention of King Salmon from June 15 through August 14.
Coho Salmon and Pink Salmon fishing overlaps the King salmon run by mid-June and runs through September. This action packed salmon fishery is fast paced with several species being caught simultaneously when salmon fishing in Ketchikan. While Chum salmon and Sockeye salmon are less probable while salmon fishing in Ketchikan from June through September they are a species we catch occasionally during fishing charters.
Book your Ketchikan Salmon Fishing Charter or the Ketchikan All Species Combination Charter to experience the best salmon fishing in Ketchikan.

King Salmon
June 15 to August 14
The nonresident bag and possession limit is one king salmon per day, 28 inches or greater in length. The nonresident annual limit is three king salmon per year at 28 inches or greater in length.
Immediately upon landing and retaining a king salmon a nonresident must enter the species, date and location on the back of their sport fishing license or on a nontransferable harvest record.
Coho Salmon, Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon and Sockeye Salmon
6 per each species per day, no annual limit.
Lingcod fishing chartersin Ketchikan run May 15 through September. Lingcod are referred to as a prized trophy due to their violent strikes and difficult battles, not to mention they’re one of the tastiest fish of all. Often caught while fishing for rockfish, Lingcod prefer rocky structures and pinnacles where they lie in wait as an ambush predator eating anything insight including rockfish, salmon, octopus and even halibut. Lingcod have giant mouths the size of basketballs and inverted teeth giving them ability to snag and swallow prey whole. Book your Ketchikan All Species Charter from May 15 through September 30 for the best lingcod fishing in ketchikan.
Charter vessel anglers are allowed one Lingcod per day ranging from 30”-45” or over 55’ Nonresidents are permitted to retain 1 Lingcod annually

Ketchikan fishing for rockfish has quite the diversity to offer with 37 different species inhabiting local waters. Rockfish provide fast action on light tackle while jigging in shallow waters from 20-100 feet. This makes it a great way to keep everyone onboard enthralled in the fishing action especially children, as it requires less patience and more catching. Not only are rockfish fun to catch but they are absolutely hands down one of the best eating fish in Alaska waters.
We typically target the pelagic rockfish species including black rockfish, dusky, widows and yellowtails for their bag limit of 5 per person per day. Due to fisheries sustainability many non-pelagic rockfish including the Yelloweye rockfish are no longer able to be retained. When catching the non-pelagic species while bottom fishing or jigging we are required to descend them healthily back to their home structures. Book either the Salmon, Halibut or All Species Combination trip to experience the best rockfish fishing in Ketchikan.
Pelagic Rockfish daily bag limit 5 per person per day, no annual limit